It is your right though.. just so you know..🙂
Congratulations Sandy. :5:
Of course there IS NO WITHDRAWAL when you stop smoking. At least, there is a mild feeling of hunger, but thats it. So why the big fuss about stopping smoking? Why all the rubbish about smokers being addicts who need public support etc. etc.? The reason is that smoking addiction is 99% a phsychological problem, and 1% a physical problem. If you train your mind not to worry about not smoking, you will suffer no reaction. 😛imp2:
That is why the two of the most successful methods of helping people to stop smoking involve either "unlearning" all the myths about what smoking does for you, or else Hypnotism, that simply diverts your mind away from the smoking habit. I know - I smoked for 35 years, and stopped with absolutely no support at all - except to read a book that readjusted my mental perceptions of smoking.
So if anyone else is thinking of stopping smoking - do not waste your money (or that of the NHS) with nicotine replacement. It is a total waste of money. The nicotine is a mentally addictive drug and taking nicotine to help stop the nicotine addiction is as stupid as it sounds when you write it down! :mad2: Dont use nicorette or anything similar - the craving does not exist if you mentally condition yourself first.
Either spend your money buying one of the books, DVD's or CD's that talk to you about your smoking, or join a support group. But keep smoking until the day you light up a cigarette, and realise, it tastes of nothing special, it does not relax you or help you cope with stress, you feel exactly the same after as you did before you smoked that cigarette, it does absolutely nothing to enhance your life and frankly you wonder why you bothered lighting it up. Then you really will stop smoking for good. :hurray:
I agree that it's 'all in your head' but, do you not think that the nicotine replacement products are more of a replacement for the ciggies, to help break the habit rather than curing the addiction? You will still have to ween yourself off the nicotine product.
I hear what you are saying - but that misses the point. You will not break the habit until you realise that there is no habit to break. The trouble with nicotine replacement is that you continue to feed the nicotine addiction without tackling the main effect of the addiction - the pyschological issues.