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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Don't knock yourself Bri mate, just cut down a lot first and try quit again properly when you feel it's possible.

And well done Phil! I'm going to have to try to get some patches or gum, I'll bloody pay again like I did last time if I have to. It's bugging me to bits I'm not good at this. Having a bad cough is helping a lot, the thought of trying to inhale anything but fresh air makes me cough.
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good work everyone. it was easy the last couple of times i stopped but just as stupid as ever i went back on them again. after the new year i will give them up. got the training to do for the half marathon and there is no way i will be running it with lungs full of smoke. well done and keep it up :D you know it makes sense with that vat increase coming up. wont be long before they are a tenner a pack. mind you i remember saying that about a fiver


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I've had one ciggy today, and it was just, and I had to have all of it. Nearly lost my temper over a screw that wouldn't come out of the damn dodgy cutlery draw. Now I feel a bit dizzy like it's my first ever ciggy which I'm assuming is a good thing.

Nipped my parents earlier and my old man has three patches left from when he quit, and he has the inhaler thing with loads of cartridges left so I'm 'smoking' those now.

I can honestly say I feel like this time it's really happening :D I've got ciggies on the shelf and a lighter right there and although I keep thinking about it, I just tend to be able to avoid picking them up.

Deleted member 9966

The draw probably would have gone through the window if I hadn't have had that one, so I'm seeing it as a cost saving thing :lol: :lol:

Though I'm sure in a few days time I'll be going through the days with no ciggies at all and no broken windows. :D

that's my trick Dan. if it's not doing as it's told, throw it or kick it.... HARD! and I've been off the **** for 7 years!


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
instead of having a smoke just take a big deep breath , hold it for a few seconds and let it go, far more calming than a smoke, it takes 7 seconds for the nicotine to get from the lungs to the receptors in the brain so its the first draw that relaxes which is the breath not the smoke

To be fair mate when I used to get stressed I'd have a few cigs in a row and then sit down and mull over my issue, whatever it is.

Though I'll give the holding the breath thing a go, why? Because you've quit and I bloody want to :lol: So I'm listening mate.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I fell off the wagon today, after traveling a mile and half in 1 1/4 hours my head was cooked. So i just had to have 1, smoked 3 in total before feeling disgusted with myself, and thrown em in the bin. Tomorrows another day...

That's alright mate just keep starting again. I'd perhaps keep the cigs too because then you'll just have the odd one whereas if you throw them away and want one you'll end up going to get another 20 and give up giving up. Maybe?

Just keep at it mate. If you're cutting down 50% it's a massive achievement.


instead of having a smoke just take a big deep breath , hold it for a few seconds and let it go, far more calming than a smoke, it takes 7 seconds for the nicotine to get from the lungs to the receptors in the brain so its the first draw that relaxes which is the breath not the smoke

Hey that's interesting, so it's the 'GASP!!!' we all do...., or the deep breath and sigh thing.... see, we don't need **** to do that!!! quite like that bit of information... party talk, init... :lol:


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I suppose it's the extra oxygen you're getting in that the body likes. Apparently my CO2 levels in my blood stream will be back to normal once I've not had a ciggy for just 24 hours! So if I manage to go a whole 24/36 hours without a ciggy I bet that breathing thing will work better on me.

A lot of it is habit though, a bad phone call, end it abruptly and sparky a ciggy. Receive an important email that needs a few minutes mulling over time, spark a ciggy. So if I can get into the habit of taking a few deep breaths and doing the "bad boys 2 style wooosaaaa" thing whilst rubbing my ears, I'll be all right. :D :lol:


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I'm doing okay but I haven't gone a day without a single ciggy yet to be honest. I seem to have one in two halves in the morning, same in the evening, and same at night. Average of 3 cig a day from 25-30 if not more at weekends is pretty damn good for me and I'm coughing up loads of rubbish and I seem to already to be able to breathe better.

Ken Bruty

Nice one Dan!

It's the habit that's hardest to break, I used to spark up when I was thinking hard, so I now have a cuppa instead, and I also avoided the usual things I used to do that I associated with smoking, and changed my living habits, like actually having brekkie in the morning instead of a *** and coffee. I now hate the smell of ****, but, I love the taste of cigars, however, I only smoke them on special occasions or when I've got friends round and had a few drinks on a warm summers night, so than I'm not in total denial. It took a chest infection to kick me up the *** to do it though, but it was immediate.:thumbsup:

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