the truth.

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Hi,would like some truthfull infomation.I have been made reduntant and thought to my self that tiling course would be a good start to go with..Then plastering and basic plumming course etc.Always thought tiling is interesting trade to get into.Always scanning peoples tiling and places iv been.looking it up and down.Now im not under the illussion that its going to be the end of my problems and will have to get another job.I will use it as a second income booster and take it from their.Want i want to know is it going to be worth it.Is their work out their as being in competion with others who are season pros.After reciving a phone call from somebody about re-training he sort of warned me away from going down this route.I know he was just trying to persuade me to their other courses o.k fine.But he sort of said this was a lesser sort of trade that was in less demand for.Any info is well come.Im in two minds now,as i was very determind to go down the tiling route before hand.
But he sort of said this was a lesser sort of trade that was in less demand for.

What a load of TOSH... Steer clear of a muppet who says that about tiling... course or no course..:incazzato:
It is tough for some at the moment, there are seasoned pro's who are finding work on the quiet side but some are busy.

I object to the training guy saying tiling is a lesser trade.

Perhaps wait until work improves then go for a course.
to be honest, ernest , things are very tough for seasoned professionals, so newbie tilers without speed ,experience, and quality to rely on are going to find it extremely hard to find decent paying jobs....but.. if you can make it in this current climate of economic recession, you'll make a good living when we pull through it:thumbsup::thumbsdown:
Truthfull information - If you don't have the passion don't bother!
That doesn't just apply to tiling but all occupations. You have to want to do something badly enough to suceed with it and from your introduction you don't sound committed enough to a full time career in tiling. IMHO.
Truthfull information - If you don't have the passion don't bother!
That doesn't just apply to tiling but all occupations. You have to want to do something badly enough to suceed with it and from your introduction you don't sound committed enough to a full time career in tiling. IMHO.
Can understand where you are coming from.I do have the drive and dedication,But you have to understand at the moment no money coming in,etc etc,i have to take what ever comes along kids etc.Waiting for redundancy to come through which is month off.Waiting for reply from careers who have applied for a course through this europeon goverment social fund.Its all wait wait.Which time is not on my side and funds arnt.If i could go and book a course i would...thanks for your comments
Truthfull information - If you don't have the passion don't bother!
That doesn't just apply to tiling but all occupations. You have to want to do something badly enough to suceed with it and from your introduction you don't sound committed enough to a full time career in tiling. IMHO.

I couldn't have put it better myself.

FYI, I was made redundant and decided that a tiling career was for me. I had the passion and made sure that I was busy from day one and I have never regretted it for one minute. If you really want to be a professional tiler you can and will make your business a success.
I have to look for work every day of the year!
No one is going to give me a penny when I've got no work - and in 37 years I've had £10 off the state for 2 weeks rent when I left school before I started my first job!
If I couldn't tile, I'd wash windows; deliver leaflets - do any job!
You've made the start by logging on and asking for advice - now while your waiting for your payday, read the forums section on training courses, do some research at the library and online, understand that no one is going to hand a trade to you in a few weeks and get some practical experience in what is THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD.
Was in the same boat a few years ago, it's an awful feeling not knowing how you are going to cope, especially if you are used to earning a wage and not accept handouts. I picked tiling because it was something I enjoyed doing (from a few diy jobs around the house) I did a course, realised I couldn't really tile at all! but knuckled down to earn a living at it. Did a plumbing course as well and found that a few bread and butter plumbing jobs supplemented my lack of speed at tiling. It's very tough, you will need a second income, absolutely no doubt about that. (tile shop would be good, think of the contacts! lol) pm anytime
hi hemmingway

if anything, tiling is a trade that is expanding whereas other trades are being broken up or diluted..tiling in the uk is taking on a great new angle because it covers not just wall and floor tiling but substrate preparation, stone work, mosaics, waterproofing etc etc.. you cant stand still in this trade for 1 day without something changing, its one of the most exciting and fast moving areas of the construction industry imho :thumbsup: you get the chance to take all the glory because its a finishing trade and thats were the gratitude is :thumbsup:

if you are going to be good at anything you have to enjoy it..times are hard but they can lead to you making life changing decisions so think carefully who you take advice from and go with the heart as much as the head. in other words, some things make sense but its more important they make you happy.........


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