what has tilers forums done for you?

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its good to talk about tiling issues without boring someone to tears:dizzy2: you can pick up tips and offer advise and have a bit of fun:lol: i used to go on facebook a lot i find i now turn the computer on and go straight to the **** 😳 tilers forum its just like a social network oh sorry it is a social network like as been said before a pub with no beer which suits me i am tea tottal get the kettle on lol :thumbsup:
Tiling forum has done loads for me ,i done a 3 week course 2 and a half years ago.For the first 2 years i never had internet access after finding this forum i now feel allot more confidant in what i am doing knowing you have a comunity to answer qustions for you is reasuring and the forum is packed full of relliable information.:hurray:
nice one Cass,why dont you start posting moreon the forums now m8 or even ask questions?:thumbsup:

And the immortal words of John F Kennedy sum up your question.
Don't ask what your TILERS FORUM can do for you - ask what can you do for your TILERS FORUM.:thumbsup:
I will be perfectly honest (what tilers forum has done for me) is when I'm on a job and scratching my head about how the bast way to approach a certain job. I don't think to myself I will call a technical help line oh no !!! I think to myself I had better check tilers forum to see if anyone els has come across this issue befor.

And when I have a problem with a customer. I ask peoples advise on how they would deal with a particular problem customer (not that it happens that often) . But we all have them don't we !!!

I think that TILERS FORUM sorry had to shout it out . Is an invaluble service offering great advise and to top it all it's completely FREE !!!! win win win

It is also nice to be able to upload your pics and get an honest assesment from other profesionals on your work.

:thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I found the site looking for wet room information and haven't looked back since.

As a relatively new tiler, TF as been a fantastic place to find answers to questions I have, solutions to problems, methods to ensure problems don't arise. A technical knowledge second to none, a source of great cost effective tools, insurance and materials. it has given me confidence when quoting and tiling. It allows me to feel safe that I have given the best advice, even if I don't get the job.

I have met and virtually met some good people and the gallery is an amazing place to look at the work of others with the hopes I can aspire to such consistent quality.


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