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THE Quit Smoking Thread

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Day seven now with no **** strugglin a bit but doing better than i thought just eating everything in sight
Day seven now with no **** strugglin a bit but doing better than i thought just eating everything in sight
tell me about it, im still scoffing for england
, keep it up mate, it does get easier as time passes and well done for getting through the first 7 days
Cheers bud i bin putting 20 a day away for 17 years and quitting without the patches and what not so quite proud of myself:lol:
Well done!

Bloody better man than me. Mind, got the flu again now so hardly smoking but that doesn't mean I wont when I feel better.
tell me about it, im still scoffing for england
, keep it up mate, it does get easier as time passes and well done for getting through the first 7 days

I think you have to compensate with exercise, I have been out for a run in the evening and been off the beer for the last two weeks, to be honest the weight just falls off, lost nearly a stone but I do go to the gym as well. A mate packed the cigs in 6 months ago and put on quite a bit of weight, I dont want that to happen.

Going to be a good year this year, aiming for 12 stone by my birthday (28th April)

I am still off the ciggys, but i have been getting some big cravings, so i'v joined the local stop smoking clinic, just for a bit of extra support. They have given me some chewing gum, and that helps a lot.
according to the scales I havent gained weight Dom but I agree with you on the exercise bit, ive got an allotment now and have been winter digging it as weather permits, I have the whole lot turned over now, it was neglected for a few years and had weeds over 6ft high and docks down over 18" Lol

the smoking cessation clinic gave me a fact sheet on this which is common sense when you read it, smoking is an appetite suppresent so when you stop smoking you may get the munchies so pick away but only eat non fattening foods. if you smoke a lot of people (me) under eat and our bodies store fat, if you eat more your body doesnt store fat , but having said that if you take in more calories than you consume you will gain weight, so they do reccomend exercise as well

I strongly reccomend the cessation clinic to anyone giving up smoking
Day seven now with no **** strugglin a bit but doing better than i thought just eating everything in sight

Excellent work. I wasn't going to post until I'd done a full week but as we're talking about it, my last ciggy was tuesday. Had 2 pieces of nicotine gum per day(one about 10am, one about 2pm) and its going well. I'm going to use normal gum over the weekend and see how that goes. Its only 3 days I know, but its the longest I've gone without a ciggy for about 3 years. Fingers crossed!
All good to hear....... best thing you guys could have done for yourself and your families.:hurray::hurray::hurray:

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