THE Quit Smoking Thread

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Has anyone who is quitting/has quit got any hint or tips to share. I've found that I'm drinking about 10 cups of tea every day! It gives me something to do to replace the smoking, works though.

switch to decaff as the caffiene is still a stimulant and you you need to desensatise your receptors
I havent actually quit i just dont want a ciggy at the minute:lol: It worked for my pal he hasnt wanted or had a ciggy for 15 years now:thumbsup:
Has anyone who is quitting/has quit got any hint or tips to share. I've found that I'm drinking about 10 cups of tea every day! It gives me something to do to replace the smoking, works though.

When I had my last cigarette on 9th October 2003 I didn't realise the next day would bring the worst hangover I have ever experienced. I knew from that moment on that I couldn't carry on smoking and drinking if I wanted to live a healthy, long life. I was 23 years old and a month later was diagnosed with high blood pressure. And at 23, I refused to accept that I would have to be medicated for the rest of my life and resisted medication for a further 3 years by controlling my diet, alcohol, salt, exercise etc. I still haven't stopped coughing up mucus off my lungs yet, it's just got less and less.

Mikethetile is right about the caffeine, decaff will be better than getting addicted to caffeine instead of nicotine 🙂

I spent a lot of time last year exercising and getting fit again and have lost 1.5 stone, and it took a long time to get fit enough to cycle 20 miles on a sunday without feeling like I was gonna drop down dead. Brian, have you thought about how far you would get on a bicycle before you couldn't go any further? Is it far enough? Or do you want to go further than that?
Good points Liz and all relevant. The same philosophy applied to me, smoking and drinking to excess and not enough exercise which took me to nearly 17 stone. The cigs have gone and since mid December I have had no more than 4 pints of beer. I run every day and have brought the weight down to 14 and a half stone. Life is great right now, only another 2 stone to go

Good points Liz and all relevant. The same philosophy applied to me, smoking and drinking to excess and not enough exercise which took me to nearly 17 stone. The cigs have gone and since mid December I have had no more than 4 pints of beer. I run every day and have brought the weight down to 14 and a half stone. Life is great right now, only another 2 stone to go


That really is a mega achievement mate, thats alot of things to give up at once! Be proud, very proud. There aren't many people about with that sort of commitment to their health. 🙂
I have a very addictive personality and Im incredibly sensitive to caffeine and dont drink coffee unless im really tired.

I drink loads of tea when im working but the caffeine levels are ok, one cup of coffee and im all over the shop. Plus coffee and smoking is a recipe for heinous breath!

Dom have you not had more than 4 pints since december or is that 4 pints in a session?
no m8 i buy them on the internet cost about £10 each they last me about a fortnight ,but the health risks are almost zero in comparison ,so whilst not ideal a lot better,good luck with your demon & it is worth all the pain for the feeling of having beat the lol
no m8 i buy them on the internet cost about £10 each they last me about a fortnight ,but the health risks are almost zero in comparison ,so whilst not ideal a lot better,good luck with your demon & it is worth all the pain for the feeling of having beat the lol

Hi chris, if you see your gp they will sign you up on the the smoking cessattion clinic and help you quit the inhilators, one of my customers is hooked on the nicorette gum. its a nicotine addiction the same as smoking. the goverment now recognise that nicotine is at least as addictive as herion and just as hard to quit and is spending the money to get people to quit , so its all free
It's my turn to quit. I've been smoking for over thirty years and have never tried before though I was only on about 10/day. My wife and I are nearly at the end of day 2 ( she was on 25/day) and seem to be doing ok. We get quitting aids like patches, inhalators on the NHS here simply by going into a pharmacy and filling out a form which gets you them on a weekly basis but you have to go in personally to pick them up and have a breath test.

I've had a patch(15mg) on yesterday and today and draw on the inhalator a couple of times when the craving hits me and that's been killing it so far.

Day 2 nearly over and will keep posting regarding. We didn't tell the kids ( 18 & 22) and they came today in and asked why the house smelt different.

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