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Old Mod

Hey all,
As the title would suggest I've a question about iPhone photostream,
I have 3 Apple devices, namely iPhone 5 & 6+ and an iPad Air, first generation.
Up until recently everything was in sync and all in the Apple world wS wonderful! However just recently my photostream has stopped syncing between my devices, in fact none of them seem to be up or downloading new images between each other. No settings have been changed, everything else is in sync between them except the images!
Would anyone have an idea at all what this could be?
I even totally reset the settings on my iPhone 5 to see if that was something I needed to do, no luck!
Just can't bear the thought of going to an Apple Store and wasting half a day there!
Any suggestions would be gratefully received, EXCEPT those of wanton destruction on my devices! :D


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I just never know what devices my relatives have of mine when I downgrade and whether I've always wiped them properly. Plus my daughter has iPod and iPad and she shares my account too. Although I think you can now setup family accounts and approve them etc and all use separate email addresses?

Old Mod

Oh I booked a support call from Apple yesterday @Dan they called within 6 mins of booking, so that was fairly impressive!
What wasn't so impressive was the first Person I spoke with, an American woman who was clearly reading from a crib sheet and didn't have a Danny! :D
Anyway after it transpired I clearly knew more than she did I was put on to the shift supervisor.
He sounded pretty competent and after I asked him to quit the company bulls*** he relaxed and we banged heads for half hour. It seems that my iPad and one of my iPhone 5's is working perfectly, however my 6+ and the other 5 I have, have the same problem, they're not talking to the iPhoto cloud properly.
It does seem odd however that the phone I copied for my 6+ is the very same 5 that isn't working. Obviously it seems that whatever is wrong with the 5 seems to have been downloaded onto the 6+
Well apparently not, this is something that can't happen, so he was telling me.
So his solution was to tell me to back up my six to iTunes on a PC/laptop then to erase it completely and restart as a new phone then restore from iTunes.
Only problem is that I don't have either! Haha the daughter mullered the laptop with a cup of coffee and I've never needed to sort it cos I got an iPad and iPhones :confused:
So now I gotta find a laptop to use then call him back.
I did get his direct line tho, might come in handy! Haha

Old Mod

Can you not pop into Apple Store and use their computers ?
Actually Dave, never thought of that!
Good shout, might be easier all round if I can get an appointment that'll fit in with work.
Dunno what ur nearest Apple Store is like but ours is heaving every second of every day :(
Ur meant to book just to chat with an advisor!
But I will try that suggestion, thanks! :)


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Yeah, visiting an apple store (Manchester or Birmingham) has been the least enjoyable experiences I've ever had. Saw 6 people in one store once, kept getting moved up to the next advisor / process, just to replace a phone which took seconds. 'Gimme that one, here's your new one'. Horrible experience. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Old Mod

Yeah, visiting an apple store (Manchester or Birmingham) has been the least enjoyable experiences I've ever had. Saw 6 people in one store once, kept getting moved up to the next advisor / process, just to replace a phone which took seconds. 'Gimme that one, here's your new one'. Horrible experience. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Completely agree mate. We have one actually in Kingston where I live, it's a large open store in a shopping mall and must have 10 advisors walking around, but u just try pinning one down without a prior appointment! Haha
Loads of kit to play with while u wait tho! :D
I think I can book an app online actually, so I'll try later.
Thanks for ur help guys. :)


Staff member
That sounds like experiance!
Cheers Dave, I'll look into that,

I drove 40 odd mile to my local Apple Store without appointment when my phone packed in , to be told No!!! point blank .. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ****** I thought.

So 2 days later I was back lol with an appointment , processor gone on my 6 , then
next day( weds) I broke my screen on the new 6 in my pocket , it lost an argument with a 16mm ats hole cutter , so another appointment and a new screen .
So you could say I'm used to Apple stores. Lol.

Old Mod

Haha I shouldn't laugh really!
Wouldn't wanna tempt fate.


No wonder u liked the tight Jean pic! :D


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I can't stand them with a passion. Really really weird business model for a store. They'd go bump if they didn't sell online. Much more pleasurable.

I usually pay for their services that gets me a brand new or recon phone to my door, I stick mine in a bag and give it to the driver, they phone me 3 days later and say money is back in my bank.

Usually stick a hold for the value of a new phone on your card (always use credit you can screw them if they try to screw you then) and then just take the cost of a repair or screen or whatever off you.

I never see an apple person and usually deal with the Americans on the phone which are a polite change from the typical Indian call centre experience.

Old Mod

Did you get it sorted Marc ?

Not as yet Dave,
I dug out the daughters laptop which hasn't been used in 18 months or more and been trying to get it up and running.

What a nightmare haha would off been quicker to go queue at Apple Store
So new antivirus, that wouldn't even run at first! Got that going eventually, now hundreds of updates from Microsoft, reboot after reboot and it's still updating haha
Anyway if I get it running so that'll it'll actually open iTunes I'll try it with my old 5 first.
You know how it is when u get stubborn about something! (No cant imagine u being stubborn!) :rolleyes:
Hoping to make progress today :confused:
Better make this a sticky, could take a while haha
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