Have been wanting to quit for a while now and gonna give it another go. It's good to hear a few of you have managed it after being heavy smokers
Earlier in the thread (a couple of years ago) those tablets are mentioned. Seem to have worked for a few of my mates over the years.If You really want to quit , then go for.
But you have to be committed to it, i quit using nicotine patches I found they helped a lot with the cravings .
My wife did it with the help of the NHS quit smoking scheme and used champex a tablet you take to help you quit.
I've heard the craving never goes completely, especially if you like a tipple.I quit. Decided I was going to and set a date to do it.
Family said I was procrastinating and should just stop there and then, but I determined a date when I'd have a week off work - approx 3 months ahead.
Had my last ciggie one night in the garden then tore the rest of the packet up.
Had 3 bad days feeling awful then picked up an espresso habit!
Never smoked since although I still get the odd craving nearly 20 years on...
I've heard the craving never goes completely, especially if you like a tipple.