THE Quit Smoking Thread

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Have been wanting to quit for a while now and gonna give it another go. It's good to hear a few of you have managed it after being heavy smokers
If You really want to quit , then go for.
But you have to be committed to it, i quit using nicotine patches I found they helped a lot with the cravings .
My wife did it with the help of the NHS quit smoking scheme and used champex a tablet you take to help you quit.
If You really want to quit , then go for.
But you have to be committed to it, i quit using nicotine patches I found they helped a lot with the cravings .
My wife did it with the help of the NHS quit smoking scheme and used champex a tablet you take to help you quit.
Earlier in the thread (a couple of years ago) those tablets are mentioned. Seem to have worked for a few of my mates over the years.

Really nice to hear people managing it, it's encouraging. (He says, sitting in the smoking end of a bar)
I quit. Decided I was going to and set a date to do it.
Family said I was procrastinating and should just stop there and then, but I determined a date when I'd have a week off work - approx 3 months ahead.
Had my last ciggie one night in the garden then tore the rest of the packet up.
Had 3 bad days feeling awful then picked up an espresso habit!
Never smoked since although I still get the odd craving nearly 20 years on...
I quit. Decided I was going to and set a date to do it.
Family said I was procrastinating and should just stop there and then, but I determined a date when I'd have a week off work - approx 3 months ahead.
Had my last ciggie one night in the garden then tore the rest of the packet up.
Had 3 bad days feeling awful then picked up an espresso habit!
Never smoked since although I still get the odd craving nearly 20 years on...
I've heard the craving never goes completely, especially if you like a tipple.
I used to smoke approx 30 miniature cigars a day, more if t on the beer... I have no willpower what so ever...Not an ounce of it, I've tried all sorts to stop, hypnosis, cold turkey several times, then one day in 2004 the wife saw something on the telly about bioresonance treatment Stop smoking with bioresonance, BBC report | bicomUK -
I'm still sceptical about it until this day but it worked, I had my hour treatment one Monday and toddler off back into life as a non smoker, but after a bad day at office on the Wednesday I Dr and smoked four on the trott....I phoned them up he said I was boarder line very heavy smoker and to go back next morning for another session free.......never touched one after that cravings, urges or nothing, doesn't bother me in the slightest bit...and I can drink more alcohol so I don't get any financial benefit :flushed:


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