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THE Quit Smoking Thread

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I tell you what G. If you imagine the earth had no sun-rise for a second, and drag that out for a year, and then the sun rises and rain falls and grass starts growing and food and crops. When you "peg" for a ziggy, and you eventually have one, it's a similar experience, as crazy as that may sound.

This fight needs chemicals! haha

And I think the one for me is Champix.
I tell you what G. If you imagine the earth had no sun-rise for a second, and drag that out for a year, and then the sun rises and rain falls and grass starts growing and food and crops. When you "peg" for a ziggy, and you eventually have one, it's a similar experience, as crazy as that may sound.

This fight needs chemicals! haha

And I think the one for me is Champix.

Oh, I know that feeling... why do you think I'm here in TF paradise?? :lol: I can see the butterflies and everything... the sweet sirene call of heroic tilers battling with downpours of ale and inspiration, accompanied by the tunes of ehmmm some sort of choice... well, don't talk to me about addiction!!!
We should shut the forum from 11pm to 5am to help tilers get sleep. :lol:
Doooom and Gloooooommmm, no sunrise for a decade then!! Such cruel talk!!! But why my dear, ought ye be thus? Have mercy, enlightened one!!!

I think I need to get some sleep, I'm cracking up... night guys... 🙂
hi im mike and im a non smoker LOL

its very hard ti give up without support Dan , get yourself up the quacks to be signed onto a smoking cessation clinic, they supply all the gear foc

I get free prescriptions anyway as a diabetic but couldnt use the nrt due to my heart tablets. but the others got their prescriptions paid for
So how many of you decided to stop and how many have actually stayed on the wagon then? Be interesting to see the percentages
Poyton Phil stopped, I've cut down a lot, brian J failed but his Mrs did it I thinik he said, but she'd only been smoking a few months.

I'm going to get some Champix from the docs when I get round to it! :lol:
A big round of applause to all those who have quit, cut back or seriously considered quitting thanks to this thread and the friendly support from other TF members.

I would love to quit smoking with you, but I am already a non-smoker. But in honour of all you lot, I have quit drinking alcohol. I am going tee-total this Christmas which will be highly stressful as I'm spending Christmas with the in-laws. :yikes:

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