British Ceramic Tiles - They actually want our feedback

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Funny . Little article in tile and stone journal about bct at KBB this year banging on about brand awareness . Company philosophy,consumer demand , trend lines , brand strategy ,latest innovation to retail audience but nowhere in any shape or form is QUALITYY or STANDARDS mentioned

This is what happens when a degree in marketing and or web design is worth SO much more than the old fashioned engineering apprenticeships.

I watched a documentary a while ago about a load of pensioners still employed to repair and maintain the Caledonian ferries. Some of the ladies stripping out and repairing engines and components were in their late 60's. Still employed because only they knew the stuff!
Where are the next generation coming from?
That's just one example.
All these snowflakes with their pointless degrees, who is going to keep the lights on, the water flowing, the roads, bridges and railways built???
So I met up with BCT today. A little bit of an impromptu initial meeting but it was positive. We discussed alot but the important thing is that they are listening and now driving their company forward with the help of new management and feedback from tilers.

It's hoped that they will join the forum soon and with a further meeting (s) we may soon see things improving for us all.
Still wouldn't supply their products,Let alone fix them,It's a shame that a British factory can't make decent tiles.

I believe a British factory CAN make great tiles.
The problem here is the market position.
BCT are very much a budget brand despite their marketing claims.
Royal Mosa or Florim they certainly are not.
You get what you pay for and to be fair BCT don't cost much.

That said, they're still truly awful even at budget prices!
I have some 600x600 BCT porcs (so I have been told) to lay soon - I hope they are better than this ceramic poo.


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