Uk out of recession?

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I meant to post this earlier, jumped in the van at 6pm and caught the tail end of a report on radio 4 saying that we are officially out of the recession?
I have searched their website but cant seem to find any info, anyone heard similar?
Something along the lines of the last months figures or however they measure it.
I hope they are right.
Heard this on the news tonight, something is up 0.01%.

Thats it all done now, we can get on with our lives😳
It isn't out of a recession at all IMO.

Jobs are still being lost in the plenty (with more coming soon i.e. Cadbury's)
Unemployment is up
Money is down
No backing from banks still
No first time buyers buying unless they have 25% deposits and the likes

I don't see what makes them think after the economy has fell some 30-40% that a 0.01% rise means we're okay now.

I think this is Labour spreading rumours or outright lying as they come up tot he election. And I think it'll be the BBC that's reporting all the success they can find and non of the failings that are being offered to them.

I had a BBC3 documentary guy ask if he can post on the sparky forum and he is doing a question time style show for people between 16 - 35 to ask questions to leading economists about the recession, and to comment about how the recession has effected them.

I replied to a PM of his and gave my view (that we're still knackered and will be for years and I speak to guys daily that have lost their jobs etc) and he hasn't contacted me back since. Though he has contacted one guy who said he's benefited out of this recession. That's the BBC for you!

Don't listen to it. You have an edge on most as you can speak to many small businesses right on this forum here and I think you know the general feeling that's about.

Hat's off to those doing well right now, as I know there are some, though you can check the posts list every day and find "Hi, being laid off and am looking for work" style posts.
Obviously the powers that be need us to borrow more money again... and spend money we haven't got... keep the people down.. except of those who can think for themselves...
Something I read somewhere a long time ago, a question was how do keep a nation in control.

The answer was, keep them in fear or reccession.
Something I read somewhere a long time ago, a question was how do keep a nation in control.

The answer was, keep them in fear or reccession.

Absolutely right... the next thing we'll get fed is the swine flue or whatever flue, aids epidemic, you name it... it's all a con... :ban:


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